Lighting and set equipment
This section includes: 0.5 to 20 kilowatt spotlights for set illumnination; DEFA dolly tracks and dollies; exposure metres (DEFALUX); booms and microphones, mobile security containers for set equipment from the Babelsberg film studios
Editing tables and animation stands
Among others, the museum preserves an operative Klangfilm editing table from 1930 and the animation stand unitricks 8/16, which was used in the GDR amateur film scene.
Printers and small developing machines
Here, a portable developing machine made by Firma Geyer in 1940 is especially remarkable.
Special machines and sound technology
This category includes: two rear projectors made by Zeiss Ikon Dresden; a 7 m crane produced by Lokomotivbau Babelsberg for DEFA; a phonographic sound system on the model of Georges Mendel from 1909; a record player produced by Messter-Filmton Gesellschaft in 1928; a case containing checking devices for film projectors used by the GDR Zentralstelle für Filmtechnik